3B John Low #10
Age: 33 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Good
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Overall Vs Left Vs Right  
Contact 4 4 3
Gap 5 5 5
Power 3 3 3
Eye 4 5 4
Avoid K's 4 4 3
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 4 1
Errors: - 4 3
Arm: 1 4 4
Turn DP: - 4 -
Framing: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: 4
Catcher: - Left Field: -
1st Base: - Center Field: -
2nd Base: 2 Right Field: -
3rd Base: 3
Running Speed: 2
Stealing Aggressiveness: 5
Stealing Ability: 3
Baserunning Inst.: 3
Sacrifice Bunt: 1
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
04/05/1963 NYI Win, 11-4 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
04/04/1963 @ CIN Loss, 1-4 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
04/03/1963 LAS Loss, 2-8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
04/02/1963 @ DAL Win, 6-1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
04/01/1963 @ MON Loss, 0-5 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
03/31/1963 KCK Loss, 7-8 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
03/30/1963 @ TOR Loss, 5-8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
03/29/1963 SFS Win, 10-0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
03/27/1963 CHC Win, 13-7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
03/26/1963 @ NYI Win, 6-2 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
Born in:Detroit, MI
Height:6' 4"
Weight:195 lbs
Local Popularity:Extremely Popular
National Pop.:Extremely Popular
Contract:Major League Contract
Signed Through:1963 Season
Major Service:10 Years, 167 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:10 Years, 167 Days
Pro Service:16 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:3 option years left
Contract Extension: -
Drafted:1947, 1st Pick in Round 2
1951 Cleveland - FABL 21 15 52 16 6 0 1 9 5 7 0 1 4 0 0 .308 .383 .481 .864 136 130 0.3
1952 Cleveland - FABL 22 109 384 110 24 6 1 41 43 42 0 3 41 0 2 .286 .354 .388 .742 122 123 1.6
1953 Cleveland - FABL 23 151 607 178 51 9 11 82 94 77 1 4 74 2 2 .293 .372 .461 .833 132 138 5.9
1954 Cleveland - FABL 24 136 553 155 53 4 7 52 81 67 1 1 65 0 2 .280 .359 .429 .787 116 118 5.1
1955 Cleveland - FABL 25 152 605 201 48 6 9 62 130 111 0 0 59 1 5 .332 .436 .476 .912 149 156 7.8
1956 Cleveland - FABL 26 83 331 109 29 5 6 49 48 38 0 2 39 1 0 .329 .396 .502 .898 156 161 4.4
1957 Cleveland - FABL 27 152 565 184 43 5 18 128 95 82 2 7 58 0 1 .326 .409 .515 .924 165 172 8.2
1958 Cleveland - FABL 28 151 567 151 41 1 14 75 80 77 0 5 60 1 2 .266 .351 .416 .768 112 114 3.9
1959 Cleveland - FABL 29 138 526 159 43 5 11 72 81 58 0 5 68 1 3 .302 .368 .466 .834 127 127 5.7
1960 Cleveland - FABL 30 141 522 171 37 7 17 106 75 60 0 4 73 1 1 .328 .394 .523 .917 140 135 5.6
1961 Cleveland - FABL 31 149 553 183 48 10 14 111 80 87 0 5 57 0 3 .331 .419 .530 .948 151 147 7.2
1962 Cleveland - FABL 32 119 456 135 34 5 12 71 63 53 0 6 50 0 1 .296 .365 .471 .837 120 120 4.4
Total FABL 1496 5721 1752 457 63 121 858 875 759 4 43 648 7 22 .306 .385 .472 .857 136 138 60.0
1944 Total - 14 21 90 46 14 6 5 32 46 13 1 2 3 30 10 .511 .566 .967 1.533 100 100 2.8
1945 Total - 15 25 106 52 13 4 2 33 44 15 1 3 7 35 14 .491 .544 .745 1.289 100 100 2.4
1946 Total - 16 25 104 50 13 5 2 29 37 15 1 3 9 33 13 .481 .537 .760 1.296 100 100 2.4
1947 Total - 17 23 99 50 16 5 2 29 42 14 1 1 4 33 12 .505 .565 .828 1.394 100 100 2.6
1947 Ottumwa - C 17 31 119 36 9 0 0 17 20 7 0 1 22 4 0 .303 .339 .378 .717 110 108 1.3
1947 Savannah - B 17 30 113 35 6 2 2 14 15 9 0 2 25 2 4 .310 .355 .451 .806 98 90 0.1
1948 Savannah - B 18 138 511 163 36 7 9 70 88 44 0 1 95 13 17 .319 .372 .470 .842 99 97 1.4
1949 Santiago - DL 19 42 146 38 8 0 2 12 17 16 0 1 23 0 4 .260 .331 .356 .687 74 72 0.2
1949 Savannah - B 19 17 61 17 3 0 3 12 8 7 0 0 14 0 2 .279 .353 .475 .828 111 110 0.8
1949 Wilmington - A 19 44 160 45 8 6 0 15 28 19 0 0 27 2 8 .281 .358 .406 .764 106 101 1.1
1949 Youngstown - AA 19 10 7 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .429 .429 .571 1.000 163 172 0.0
1950 Santa Clara - DL 20 43 163 40 3 1 3 23 20 23 0 1 35 0 0 .245 .337 .331 .668 64 67 0.6
1950 Wilmington - A 20 64 261 75 18 7 3 24 43 35 1 2 47 4 9 .287 .371 .444 .816 137 127 2.6
1950 Youngstown - AA 20 17 69 23 5 2 2 9 9 9 0 0 11 1 1 .333 .410 .551 .961 162 167 0.8
1950 Rochester - AAA 20 58 237 68 15 2 7 29 33 28 1 0 32 0 7 .287 .365 .456 .820 125 123 2.2
1951 Santa Clara - DL 21 42 176 64 9 1 7 26 32 23 0 1 26 0 0 .364 .435 .545 .980 153 160 2.8
1951 Youngstown - AA 21 11 48 16 4 3 0 6 10 4 0 0 8 1 1 .333 .385 .542 .926 151 152 0.9
1951 Rochester - AAA 21 101 441 138 36 4 6 47 68 45 2 1 45 0 3 .313 .378 .454 .832 129 133 5.4
Total EA 38 124 42 10 5 2 15 20 13 0 0 20 2 2 .339 .401 .548 .950 158 162
Total UL 159 678 206 51 6 13 76 101 73 3 1 77 0 10 .304 .374 .454 .828 128 129
Total MAL 108 421 120 26 13 3 39 71 54 1 2 74 6 17 .285 .366 .430 .796 125 118
Total SEL 185 685 215 45 9 14 96 111 60 0 3 134 15 23 .314 .368 .467 .835 100 97
Total UMVA 31 119 36 9 0 0 17 20 7 0 1 22 4 0 .303 .339 .378 .717 110 108
1953 Cleveland - FABL 23 7 26 7 3 0 0 3 4 8 0 0 2 0 0 .269 .441 .385 .826 133 134 0.9
1957 Cleveland - FABL 27 7 28 7 0 1 0 1 4 3 0 0 4 0 0 .250 .323 .321 .644 87 88 0.8
1959 Cleveland - FABL 29 5 16 5 2 0 0 2 2 3 0 0 5 0 0 .312 .421 .438 .859 136 144 2.1
1960 Cleveland - FABL 30 5 17 4 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 .235 .350 .294 .644 72 81 1.1
1961 Cleveland - FABL 31 6 24 4 1 1 0 0 4 6 0 0 5 0 0 .167 .333 .292 .625 68 78 1.4
Total FABL 30 111 27 7 2 0 6 15 23 0 0 17 0 0 .243 .373 .342 .715 99 104
1947 Savannah - B SS 30 30 51 92 30 149 6 .960 257.2 4.99 -0.2 1.003
1947 Ottumwa - C SS 31 31 37 107 12 149 5 .966 258.2 5.01 +4.1 1.089
1948 Savannah - B 2B 3 3 7 6 4 14 1 .929 21.0 5.57 -0.8 .507
1948 Savannah - B 3B 8 8 1 22 1 23 0 1.000 72.0 2.88 +1.0 1.035
1948 Savannah - B SS 127 125 175 391 115 581 15 .974 1046.1 4.87 +1.1 1.007
1949 Youngstown - AA 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1949 Wilmington - A 2B 5 5 18 11 2 30 1 .967 43.0 6.07 +0.3 1.019
1949 Youngstown - AA 3B 4 0 1 3 0 4 0 1.000 9.0 4.00 +0.1 1.022
1949 Wilmington - A 3B 5 5 3 15 2 18 0 1.000 41.0 3.95 +0.3 1.034
1949 Youngstown - AA SS 4 0 2 6 2 8 0 1.000 8.0 9.00 -0.5 .882
1949 Wilmington - A SS 33 33 49 112 19 161 0 1.000 285.0 5.08 +3.9 1.054
1949 Savannah - B SS 17 17 23 67 11 91 1 .989 140.1 5.77 +4.7 1.122
1949 Santiago - DL SS 42 42 65 120 15 186 1 .995 360.2 4.62 +0.9 1.030
1949 Youngstown - AA RF 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 7.0 3.86 +0.0 1.018
1950 Rochester - AAA 2B 2 2 7 5 3 12 0 1.000 17.0 6.35 +0.6 2.173
1950 Youngstown - AA 2B 3 3 10 9 6 20 1 .950 21.2 7.89 -0.2 1.065
1950 Wilmington - A 2B 2 2 4 6 1 10 0 1.000 17.1 5.19 +0.7 1.255
1950 Rochester - AAA 3B 1 1 0 2 0 2 0 1.000 9.0 2.00 +0.1 1.050
1950 Wilmington - A 3B 2 2 2 2 0 4 0 1.000 17.0 2.12 +0.1 1.072
1950 Rochester - AAA SS 55 55 88 168 35 266 10 .962 484.2 4.75 +9.5 1.109
1950 Youngstown - AA SS 14 14 21 45 10 70 4 .943 123.0 4.83 +0.5 .996
1950 Wilmington - A SS 60 58 94 196 63 299 9 .970 515.1 5.06 +9.2 1.088
1950 Santa Clara - DL SS 43 43 83 150 38 239 6 .975 383.2 5.47 +7.8 1.074
1951 Rochester - AAA 2B 2 2 5 4 1 9 0 1.000 18.0 4.50 +0.3 1.042
1951 Cleveland - MLB 3B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1951 Rochester - AAA 3B 3 3 0 6 0 7 1 .857 19.1 2.79 -0.3 .919
1951 Cleveland - MLB SS 15 15 34 42 9 81 5 .938 131.1 5.21 -1.4 .980
1951 Rochester - AAA SS 97 96 212 337 71 579 30 .948 869.2 5.68 +16.6 1.077
1951 Youngstown - AA SS 11 11 25 40 8 68 3 .956 97.2 5.99 +2.9 1.112
1951 Santa Clara - DL SS 42 42 75 148 30 230 7 .970 377.0 5.32 +7.0 1.082
1952 Cleveland - MLB 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1952 Cleveland - MLB SS 109 107 218 280 54 521 23 .956 927.1 4.83 -11.8 .954
1953 Cleveland - MLB 2B 2 0 2 3 0 5 0 1.000 9.0 5.00 -0.1 .957
1953 Cleveland - MLB SS 150 149 306 474 84 804 24 .970 1334.1 5.26 +1.1 1.011
1954 Cleveland - MLB 2B 9 0 8 8 3 17 1 .941 18.2 7.71 -0.1 .977
1954 Cleveland - MLB SS 136 136 269 423 74 717 25 .965 1175.1 5.30 +12.0 1.040
1955 Cleveland - MLB 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1955 Cleveland - MLB SS 151 150 323 454 95 799 22 .972 1320.0 5.30 +9.1 1.028
1956 Cleveland - MLB 2B 5 5 8 11 1 19 0 1.000 43.2 3.92 -0.3 .960
1956 Cleveland - MLB 3B 6 5 5 9 0 15 1 .933 44.2 2.82 -0.0 .949
1956 Cleveland - MLB SS 72 72 148 221 45 384 15 .961 645.2 5.14 +6.4 1.020
1957 Cleveland - MLB 2B 3 2 8 7 3 15 0 1.000 18.0 7.50 -0.2 .955
1957 Cleveland - MLB 3B 12 12 8 24 2 32 0 1.000 97.0 2.97 +1.0 1.073
1957 Cleveland - MLB SS 142 135 239 449 82 722 34 .953 1213.0 5.10 -0.9 1.002
1958 Cleveland - MLB SS 150 147 271 453 102 750 26 .965 1313.0 4.96 +3.2 1.022
1959 Cleveland - MLB 3B 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 4.0 2.25 +0.0 .000
1959 Cleveland - MLB SS 134 133 222 457 99 703 24 .966 1181.2 5.17 +13.2 1.054
1960 Cleveland - MLB 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1960 Cleveland - MLB 3B 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 3.0 3.00 +0.0 1.040
1960 Cleveland - MLB SS 136 135 244 405 88 682 33 .952 1171.0 4.99 +4.8 1.022
1961 Cleveland - MLB 3B 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1961 Cleveland - MLB SS 147 146 286 434 101 754 34 .955 1291.2 5.02 +8.0 1.038
1962 Cleveland - MLB 2B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1962 Cleveland - MLB 3B 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1.000 3.0 3.00 +0.0 1.057
1962 Cleveland - MLB SS 118 113 224 365 80 612 23 .962 1011.2 5.24 +9.5 1.062
TOTAL 2B 36 24 77 70 24 151 4 .974 227.1 5.82 +0.3 1.024
TOTAL 3B 47 36 21 85 5 108 2 .981 322.0 2.96 +2.5 1.028
TOTAL SS 2066 2035 3784 6436 1372 10605 385 .964 17923.2 5.13 +120.7 1.035
TOTAL RF 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 7.0 3.86 +0.0 1.018
01/01/1945 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
01/01/1946 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
01/01/1947 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
06/24/1947 Drafted in the 1947 first-year player draft (Round 2, Pick 1, 17th overall pick) by the Cleveland Foresters, out of high school Leipsic (Leipsic; Leipsic, OH).
07/03/1947 Signed a minor league contract with the Cleveland Foresters organization with a signing bonus of $8,000.
07/06/1947 Named the #36 prospect in the FABL
09/08/1947 Wins the SEL Player of the Week Award.
01/01/1948 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
06/09/1948 Goes 5-6 against the Miami Sailors, with 2 RBI and 3 R.
07/11/1948 Named the #96 prospect in the FABL
01/01/1949 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
04/18/1949 Named the #79 prospect in the FABL
07/10/1949 Named the #74 prospect in the FABL
10/15/1949 Named the #74 prospect in the FABL
11/22/1949 Named to the 1949 Cuban Winter League for the Santiago Scorpions.
01/01/1950 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
04/18/1950 Named the #78 prospect in the FABL
06/19/1950 Wins the MAL Player of the Week Award.
07/10/1950 Named the #58 prospect in the FABL
10/14/1950 Named the #55 prospect in the FABL
11/21/1950 Named to the 1950 Cuban Winter League for the Santa Clara Stallions.
04/16/1951 Named the #37 prospect in the FABL
06/18/1951 Goes 0-6 against the Louisville Derbies, ending his hitting streak at 23 games.
07/08/1951 Named the #40 prospect in the FABL
07/16/1951 Wins the UL Player of the Week Award.
08/19/1951 Goes 5-5 against the Louisville Derbies, with 1 2B, 0 RBI and 3 R.
11/20/1951 Named to the 1951 Cuban Winter League for the Santa Clara Stallions.
02/06/1952 Finished 3rd in 1951 CWL Most Valuable Player voting.
04/15/1952 Named the #50 prospect in the FABL
05/15/1952 Injured (virus),day-to-day for 3 days.
08/12/1952 Injured (sprained knee),out for 6 weeks.
01/22/1953 Detrimentally completed training to improve his base-stealing technique at the Cleveland Foresters development complex.
04/22/1953 Goes 5-5 against the Toronto Wolves, with 2 2B, 4 RBI and 1 R.
05/18/1953 Wins the FABL CA Player of the Week Award.
07/12/1953 Was selected to the 1953 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
07/28/1953 Goes 5-6 against the New York Stars, with 1 2B, 2 RBI and 0 R.
10/09/1953 Wins the 1953 World Championship Series with the Cleveland Foresters.
04/24/1954 Injured (latissimus dorsi (back) strain),out for 1-2 weeks.
05/28/1954 Injured (latissimus dorsi (back) strain),out for 1-2 weeks.
07/04/1954 Goes 5-6 against the Kansas City Kings, with 2 2B, 1 3B, 3 RBI and 3 R.
07/11/1954 Was selected to the 1954 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
07/19/1954 Wins the FABL CA Player of the Week Award.
07/10/1955 Was selected to the 1955 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
10/01/1955 Wins the FABL CA Batter of the Month Award.
10/19/1955 Finished 3rd in 1955 FABL CA Whitney Award voting.
07/02/1956 Wins the FABL CA Player of the Week Award.
07/08/1956 Was selected to the 1956 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
07/16/1956 Injured (ruptured medial collateral ligament),out for 7-8 months.
04/23/1957 Successfully completed training to improve his base-stealing technique at the Cleveland Foresters development complex.
05/21/1957 Injured (sore ankle),day-to-day for 1 day.
06/17/1957 Injured (sprained knee),day-to-day for 3 weeks.
07/07/1957 Was selected to the 1957 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
07/20/1957 Injured (back tightness),day-to-day for one week.
10/11/1957 Wins the 1957 World Championship Series with the Cleveland Foresters.
10/23/1957 Finished 2nd in 1957 FABL CA Whitney Award voting.
07/06/1958 Was selected to the 1958 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
07/05/1959 Was selected to the 1959 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
07/29/1959 Injured (intercostal strain),out for 2 weeks.
04/14/1960 Successfully completed training to improve his base-stealing technique at the Cleveland Foresters development complex.
04/26/1960 Injured (sprained ankle),day-to-day for one week.
04/30/1960 Injured (latissimus dorsi (back) strain),out for 2 weeks.
07/04/1960 Wins the FABL CA Player of the Week Award.
07/09/1960 Was selected to the 1960 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
08/19/1960 Injured (back tightness),day-to-day for one week.
09/02/1960 Injured (sprained knee),day-to-day for one week.
05/08/1961 Wins the FABL CA Player of the Week Award.
05/12/1961 Injured (back tightness),day-to-day for one week.
06/12/1961 Wins the FABL CA Player of the Week Award.
07/15/1961 Was selected to the 1961 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
11/01/1961 Wins the 1961 FABL CA Whitney Award.
07/23/1962 Was selected to the 1962 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
08/31/1962 Injured (sprained knee),out for 8 weeks.
01/01/1963 OSA scouting updated ratings: Contact: 4; Power: 3; Eye: 4.
Year GS Rank
1949 42 6
1950 43 1
1953 149 3
1955 150 2
1957 149 6
1958 147 5
Year PA Rank
1951 200 9
1953 689 1
1955 716 1
1957 656 8
1958 649 9
Year AB Rank
1951 176 4
1953 607 2
1955 605 2
Year H Rank
1951 64 2
1953 178 3
1955 201 2
1957 184 2
1961 183 9
Year K Rank
1950 35 10
Year TB Rank
1951 96 2
1953 280 6
1955 288 5
1957 291 5
1961 293 10
Year 2B Rank
1953 51 1
1954 53 1
1955 48 1
1956 29 9
1957 43 2
1958 41 2
1959 43 4
1960 37 8
1961 48 2
1962 34 8
Year 3B Rank
1952 6 10
1953 9 7
1961 10 5
Year HR Rank
1951 7 10
Year RBI Rank
1953 82 9
1957 128 1
1960 106 6
1961 111 5
Year R Rank
1951 32 9
1953 94 6
1955 130 1
1957 95 6
Year BB Rank
1953 77 6
1955 111 2
1957 82 6
1958 77 7
1961 87 8
Year SF Rank
1957 7 2
1961 5 10
1962 6 10
Year EBH Rank
1951 17 9
1953 71 2
1954 64 3
1955 63 4
1957 66 4
1958 56 9
1959 59 10
1960 61 9
1961 72 5
Year AVG Rank
1951 .364 4
1955 .332 2
1957 .326 1
1960 .328 4
1961 .331 4
Year OBP Rank
1951 .435 7
1953 .372 10
1955 .436 2
1957 .409 3
1961 .419 6
Year SLG Rank
1951 .545 3
1957 .515 3
1960 .523 8
1961 .530 8
Year RC Rank
1951 41.00 4
1953 100.89 7
1955 132.35 1
1957 118.10 4
1961 122.94 9
Year RC/27 Rank
1951 9.22 6
1953 5.90 10
1955 8.55 4
1957 7.76 4
1960 7.88 8
1961 8.40 6
Year ISO Rank
1951 .182 10
1957 .189 8
Year wOBA Rank
1951 .447 5
1953 .376 7
1955 .416 5
1957 .408 2
1960 .397 9
1961 .413 4
Year OPS Rank
1951 .980 4
1953 .833 10
1955 .912 6
1957 .924 3
1960 .917 9
1961 .948 6
Year WAR Rank
1951 2.8 3
1953 5.6 6
1955 7.5 1
1957 7.8 2
1959 5.6 6
1960 5.8 8
1961 7.4 2
Friday, February 21st , 2025 - OOTP Baseball 25.11 Build 103