LF Doc Zimmerman #26
Age: 32 | Bats: R | Throws: R | Morale: Normal
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Overall Vs Left Vs Right  
Contact 3 3 3
Gap 3 3 3
Power 3 3 3
Eye 3 3 3
Avoid K's 4 4 4
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 1 3
Errors: - 1 5
Arm: 1 2 4
Turn DP: - 1 -
Framing: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: 4
1st Base: - Center Field: 2
2nd Base: - Right Field: 3
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 1
Stealing Aggressiveness: 5
Stealing Ability: 4
Baserunning Inst.: 3
Sacrifice Bunt: 2
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
04/05/1963 NYG Win, 6-3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
04/04/1963 @ STL Loss, 3-5 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
04/03/1963 LAF Win, 5-1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
04/02/1963 @ PIT Win, 6-5 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
04/01/1963 WAS Win, 5-2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
03/31/1963 PHI Loss, 4-10 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
03/30/1963 @ DET Loss, 2-6 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
03/29/1963 BOS Win, 9-6 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
03/27/1963 @ MIN Win, 4-1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
03/26/1963 @ NYG Win, 11-1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Born in:Houston, TX
Height:6' 1"
Weight:205 lbs
Local Popularity:Fair
National Pop.:Fair
Contract:Major League Contract
Signed Through:1963 Season
Major Service:7 Years, 10 Days
Service This Yr:None
40-Man Service:8 Years, 148 Days
Pro Service:15 Years
Arbitration Eligibility:Not eligible, free agent after contract expires!
Option Years:1 option year left
Contract Extension: -
Drafted:1948, 4th Pick in Round 5
1955 Chicago - FABL 24 22 79 15 2 1 4 11 10 6 2 1 8 0 1 .190 .261 .392 .654 77 73 0.2
1956 Chicago - FABL 25 142 566 157 18 6 26 82 91 60 4 2 54 4 2 .277 .350 .468 .818 132 139 3.9
1957 Chicago - FABL 26 150 535 141 25 0 16 91 90 84 10 7 60 1 6 .264 .369 .400 .769 112 112 2.0
1958 Chicago - FABL 27 147 560 181 41 1 16 67 95 69 6 8 37 9 4 .323 .398 .486 .884 135 137 3.6
1959 Chicago - FABL 28 150 584 173 29 1 9 80 73 60 8 4 56 8 4 .296 .367 .396 .763 105 109 2.4
1960 Chicago - FABL 29 151 599 197 40 3 22 102 106 67 10 6 53 11 5 .329 .402 .516 .918 147 154 5.8
1961 Chicago - FABL 30 153 596 159 35 2 8 81 85 53 9 7 69 13 0 .267 .332 .372 .705 92 95 0.9
1962 Chicago - FABL 31 143 532 166 27 3 13 87 70 38 8 5 63 5 2 .312 .364 .447 .811 113 115 2.2
Total FABL 1058 4051 1189 217 17 114 601 620 437 57 40 400 51 24 .294 .367 .440 .807 119 122 21.0
1946 Total - 15 26 107 50 13 3 2 32 47 15 4 1 6 30 8 .467 .543 .701 1.244 100 100 2.4
1947 Total - 16 25 105 47 15 5 5 33 38 14 4 2 3 12 3 .448 .520 .829 1.349 100 100 2.6
1948 Total - 17 26 112 54 15 5 2 31 51 14 4 1 5 25 7 .482 .550 .759 1.309 100 100 2.7
1948 La Crosse - C 17 46 143 57 13 1 0 16 26 5 3 2 25 7 4 .399 .425 .503 .928 134 137 1.1
1949 La Crosse - C 18 18 57 24 4 3 1 13 9 3 0 0 12 2 1 .421 .450 .649 1.099 182 186 0.7
1950 La Crosse - C 19 12 23 8 0 1 1 8 9 10 2 0 10 1 1 .348 .571 .565 1.137 187 197 0.3
1950 San Jose - B 19 50 153 40 1 0 0 19 19 19 4 3 33 3 0 .261 .352 .268 .620 65 62 -0.5
1951 San Jose - B 20 93 360 97 9 4 2 31 42 46 5 5 59 10 8 .269 .356 .333 .689 87 86 0.6
1952 San Jose - B 21 93 344 101 12 3 11 60 70 65 3 3 47 23 6 .294 .407 .442 .849 124 124 2.7
1952 Rockford - A 21 44 163 35 5 2 1 15 16 21 2 0 38 2 6 .215 .312 .288 .600 72 72 0.9
1953 Rockford - A 22 81 294 83 11 5 6 35 53 46 6 3 42 3 1 .282 .387 .415 .802 113 118 2.6
1953 Little Rock - AA 22 55 224 64 8 2 6 27 35 18 2 0 38 5 1 .286 .344 .420 .764 95 88 0.6
1954 Rockford - A 23 43 156 55 14 3 9 34 35 32 10 1 25 3 1 .353 .487 .654 1.141 203 202 3.1
1954 Little Rock - AA 23 68 282 89 18 4 12 39 67 28 13 2 41 5 2 .316 .400 .535 .935 138 138 2.4
1955 Little Rock - AA 24 15 59 20 4 0 2 12 10 9 1 0 6 1 3 .339 .435 .508 .943 141 140 0.5
1955 Milwaukee - AAA 24 103 365 115 17 2 24 74 76 73 21 2 36 4 5 .315 .453 .570 1.023 190 189 6.7
Total DIX 138 565 173 30 6 20 78 112 55 16 2 85 11 6 .306 .382 .487 .869 122 119
Total CL 103 365 115 17 2 24 74 76 73 21 2 36 4 5 .315 .453 .570 1.023 190 189
Total HL 168 613 173 30 10 16 84 104 99 18 4 105 8 8 .282 .395 .442 .837 127 129
Total COW 236 857 238 22 7 13 110 131 130 12 11 139 36 14 .278 .376 .365 .741 99 97
Total UMVA 76 223 89 17 5 2 37 44 18 5 2 47 10 6 .399 .452 .547 .999 153 157
1948 La Crosse - C LF 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 14.0 1.29 -0.2 .993
1948 La Crosse - C CF 36 27 42 2 0 49 5 .898 230.2 1.72 -1.1 .986
1948 La Crosse - C RF 10 10 13 0 0 14 1 .929 75.0 1.56 -0.6 1.017
1949 La Crosse - C LF 8 8 6 1 0 7 0 1.000 49.0 1.29 -0.5 1.026
1949 La Crosse - C CF 12 7 9 1 0 10 0 1.000 75.0 1.20 -0.2 1.000
1950 San Jose - B 1B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1950 La Crosse - C 1B 1 1 5 1 1 6 0 1.000 6.1 8.53 +0.1 1.076
1950 San Jose - B LF 22 22 46 1 0 49 2 .959 178.0 2.38 -1.2 .996
1950 La Crosse - C LF 3 2 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 16.1 1.65 -0.4 .984
1950 San Jose - B CF 26 20 76 1 1 78 1 .987 190.0 3.65 -1.6 .987
1950 La Crosse - C CF 5 3 5 0 0 5 0 1.000 27.1 1.65 -0.0 1.029
1950 San Jose - B RF 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 4.0 2.25 +0.0 1.000
1950 La Crosse - C RF 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 3.2 0.00 -0.2 .000
1951 San Jose - B LF 85 84 168 0 0 173 5 .971 721.2 2.10 +3.9 1.006
1951 San Jose - B CF 9 1 10 0 0 10 0 1.000 30.1 2.97 +0.1 .991
1951 San Jose - B RF 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 16.0 0.56 -0.0 .974
1952 Rockford - A 1B 1 1 9 2 2 11 0 1.000 9.0 11.00 +0.1 1.023
1952 Rockford - A LF 5 4 6 0 0 6 0 1.000 33.0 1.64 +0.5 1.162
1952 San Jose - B LF 26 20 40 2 1 43 1 .977 199.0 1.90 +0.1 .986
1952 Rockford - A CF 34 31 85 0 0 85 0 1.000 287.1 2.66 +5.4 1.068
1952 San Jose - B CF 11 4 17 1 0 18 0 1.000 48.1 3.35 -0.9 .916
1952 Rockford - A RF 4 4 13 0 0 14 1 .929 37.2 3.11 +0.4 .965
1952 San Jose - B RF 67 64 105 0 0 107 2 .981 524.0 1.80 +2.5 1.029
1953 Little Rock - AA LF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1953 Rockford - A LF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 2.0 4.50 -0.0 .982
1953 Little Rock - AA CF 23 21 57 4 0 61 0 1.000 186.1 2.95 -0.3 1.004
1953 Rockford - A CF 65 64 168 3 1 172 1 .994 564.0 2.73 +2.3 1.028
1953 Little Rock - AA RF 30 30 48 0 0 48 0 1.000 268.0 1.61 +1.3 1.023
1953 Rockford - A RF 13 13 14 1 0 15 0 1.000 108.1 1.25 +0.9 1.131
1954 Little Rock - AA LF 20 20 36 1 0 37 0 1.000 172.1 1.93 +0.6 .974
1954 Rockford - A LF 34 34 75 1 0 79 3 .962 300.0 2.28 +3.4 1.033
1954 Little Rock - AA CF 12 5 16 0 0 16 0 1.000 57.1 2.51 -0.4 .961
1954 Rockford - A CF 9 6 18 2 0 20 0 1.000 63.0 2.86 +2.3 1.283
1954 Little Rock - AA RF 43 40 72 1 0 74 1 .986 348.1 1.89 +2.4 1.054
1954 Rockford - A RF 1 1 3 0 0 3 0 1.000 8.2 3.12 +0.2 .962
1955 Chicago - MLB LF 20 20 38 1 0 39 0 1.000 177.0 1.98 +1.4 1.076
1955 Milwaukee - AAA LF 51 51 105 1 0 108 2 .981 459.0 2.08 +5.5 1.065
1955 Little Rock - AA LF 9 8 19 0 0 19 0 1.000 72.0 2.38 +1.0 1.097
1955 Milwaukee - AAA CF 51 47 131 5 0 137 1 .993 429.1 2.85 +1.0 1.026
1955 Little Rock - AA CF 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 .500 18.0 0.50 -0.0 .985
1955 Chicago - MLB RF 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 9.0 1.00 -0.1 .975
1955 Milwaukee - AAA RF 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 4.0 4.50 +0.1 1.015
1955 Little Rock - AA RF 5 5 10 0 0 10 0 1.000 43.0 2.09 +1.4 1.077
1956 Chicago - MLB LF 132 132 240 2 1 247 5 .980 1159.0 1.88 +1.7 1.009
1956 Chicago - MLB CF 15 3 14 3 0 19 2 .895 55.0 2.78 -2.2 .981
1956 Chicago - MLB RF 5 4 10 0 0 10 0 1.000 37.0 2.43 -0.6 .965
1957 Chicago - MLB LF 144 142 260 7 2 270 3 .989 1225.2 1.96 +1.8 1.022
1957 Chicago - MLB CF 10 7 19 0 0 19 0 1.000 66.0 2.59 -1.8 .828
1957 Chicago - MLB RF 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 10.0 0.90 -0.1 .982
1958 Chicago - MLB LF 32 17 42 1 1 43 0 1.000 161.1 2.40 +2.2 1.103
1958 Chicago - MLB CF 122 119 280 10 0 292 2 .993 1033.2 2.52 -21.5 .902
1958 Chicago - MLB RF 8 6 10 0 0 10 0 1.000 53.1 1.69 +0.3 1.083
1959 Chicago - MLB LF 144 144 272 7 0 281 2 .993 1252.0 2.01 +5.5 1.032
1959 Chicago - MLB CF 5 1 5 0 0 6 1 .833 13.2 3.29 -0.8 .821
1959 Chicago - MLB RF 5 2 5 0 0 5 0 1.000 26.0 1.73 -0.0 .992
1960 Chicago - MLB LF 141 139 245 4 0 252 3 .988 1177.1 1.90 +4.8 1.017
1960 Chicago - MLB CF 32 8 32 0 0 32 0 1.000 135.2 2.12 +0.5 .978
1960 Chicago - MLB RF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 1.0 9.00 +0.0 .997
1961 Chicago - MLB LF 148 148 309 0 0 312 3 .990 1245.2 2.23 +1.1 .998
1961 Chicago - MLB CF 12 2 12 1 1 13 0 1.000 35.2 3.28 +0.1 .996
1961 Chicago - MLB RF 15 0 5 0 0 5 0 1.000 32.2 1.38 -0.5 .981
1962 Chicago - MLB LF 134 134 249 8 2 260 3 .988 1141.0 2.03 +4.0 1.036
1962 Chicago - MLB CF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
TOTAL 1B 2 2 14 3 3 17 0 1.000 15.1 9.98 +0.2 1.040
TOTAL LF 1162 1131 2162 37 7 2231 32 .986 9757.1 2.03 +35.3 1.022
TOTAL CF 492 378 997 33 3 1044 14 .987 3548.2 2.61 -19.0 .977
TOTAL RF 225 182 315 2 0 322 5 .984 1609.2 1.77 +7.5 1.032
01/01/1947 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
01/01/1948 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
06/21/1948 Drafted in the 1948 first-year player draft (Round 5, Pick 4, 68th overall pick) by the Chicago Cougars, out of high school Bryan (Bryan; Bryan, TX).
07/11/1948 Signed a minor league contract with the Chicago Cougars organization with a signing bonus of $2,000.
08/30/1948 Wins the UMVA Player of the Week Award.
01/01/1949 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
07/24/1949 Injured (torn posterior cruciate ligament (knee)),out for 9 months.
01/01/1950 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
06/20/1952 Hits 4 home runs against the Bakersfield Bears, going 5-5 with 7 RBI and 5 runs scored!
06/20/1952 Goes 5-5 against the Bakersfield Bears, with 4 HR, 7 RBI and 5 R.
06/23/1952 Wins the COW Player of the Week Award.
09/21/1953 Wins the 1953 Championship with the Little Rock Governors!
05/24/1954 Wins the HL Player of the Week Award.
06/07/1954 Wins the HL Player of the Week Award.
07/10/1954 Hits three home runs against the Davenport Dusters, going 5-7 with 6 RBI and 5 runs scored!
07/10/1954 Goes 5-7 against the Davenport Dusters, with 1 2B, 3 HR, 6 RBI and 5 R.
07/12/1954 Wins the HL Player of the Week Award.
08/25/1954 Injured (fractured foot),out for 5 weeks.
08/30/1954 Wins the DIX Player of the Week Award.
09/20/1954 Wins the 1954 Championship with the Little Rock Governors!
05/09/1955 Wins the CL Player of the Week Award.
06/01/1955 Wins the CL Batter of the Month Award.
07/11/1955 Wins the CL Player of the Week Award.
08/01/1955 Wins the CL Batter of the Month Award.
04/17/1956 Named the #72 prospect in the FABL
10/01/1956 Wins the FABL CA Rookie of the Month Award.
10/12/1956 Was traded by the Chicago Cougars to the Chicago Chiefs, along with $12,000, in exchange for RP Norm McBride, C Stan Czerwinski, RF Virgil McLaughlin, 2B Hack Williams, and SP Hank Walker.
04/21/1958 Wins the FABL FA Player of the Week Award.
06/10/1958 Goes 5-6 against the Philadelphia Keystones, with 1 2B, 3 RBI and 4 R.
04/22/1959 Injured (bruised shin),day-to-day for 4 days.
07/09/1960 Was selected to the 1960 Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues All-Star Game.
07/18/1960 Wins the FABL FA Player of the Week Award.
04/25/1961 Goes 0-3 against the Philadelphia Keystones, ending his hitting streak at 22 games.
02/02/1962 Signed a 1-year contract extension worth a total of $85,000 with the Chicago Chiefs organization.
05/12/1962 Injured (sprained ankle),day-to-day for 4 days.
01/01/1963 OSA scouting updated ratings: Contact: 3; Power: 3; Eye: 3.
Year GS Rank
1957 149 4
1960 148 4
1961 150 1
Year PA Rank
1960 682 6
1961 665 9
Year AB Rank
1960 599 8
1961 596 7
Year H Rank
1958 181 4
1959 173 8
1960 197 5
Year TB Rank
1956 265 8
1960 309 6
Year 2B Rank
1958 41 2
1960 40 4
1961 35 5
Year HR Rank
1956 26 4
Year SB Rank
1960 11 10
1961 13 10
Year RBI Rank
1956 82 6
1960 102 9
Year R Rank
1956 91 6
1958 95 10
1960 106 7
Year BB Rank
1957 84 6
Year HP Rank
1956 4 9
1957 10 4
1959 8 6
1960 10 4
1961 9 5
1962 8 7
Year SF Rank
1957 7 1
1958 8 3
1960 6 9
1961 7 3
Year EBH Rank
1958 58 10
1960 65 5
Year AVG Rank
1958 .323 6
1960 .329 5
Year OBP Rank
1958 .398 6
1960 .402 3
Year SLG Rank
1956 .468 7
1960 .516 7
Year RC Rank
1958 110.06 8
1960 125.75 5
Year RC/27 Rank
1956 5.68 10
1958 7.28 8
1960 7.90 4
Year ISO Rank
1956 .191 7
Year wOBA Rank
1956 .369 6
1958 .392 10
1960 .406 6
Year OPS Rank
1956 .818 8
1958 .884 10
1960 .918 6
Year WAR Rank
1960 5.6 7
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