League Transactions |
| Offseason 1953: Salvador Pittman has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Steve Hurlburt has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Paul Lyle has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Gary Conti has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Henry Hipple has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Ted Earley has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Wally McGuire has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Newt Emily has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Bill Dickinson has signed a contract extension for $8,000 over 2 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Tom Johnson has signed a contract extension for $17,000 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Del Thomas has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Bill Dickinson has retired. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Del Thomas has retired. |
| Offseason 1953: Danny Quesenberry has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Augie McSween has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Bennie Amstrong has signed a contract extension for $17,000 over 5 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Ed Fox has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Tommy Thompson has retired. |
| Offseason 1953: George Grasman has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Scotti Shilling has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Gregg Ward has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Ricky Sevy has retired. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Gregg Ward has retired. |
| Offseason 1953: Glenn Calhoun has signed a contract extension for $8,500 over 3 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Charlie Hurt has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Justin Thomas has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 2 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Bobby Robb has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Jimmie Welch has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 6 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Dale Rybolt has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Rich Kelner has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Frank Quillen has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Dale Rybolt has retired. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Ron Woodard has retired. |
| Offseason 1953: Steve Johnson has signed a contract extension for $8,000 over 2 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Bill Langan has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Johnnie Osgood has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 6 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Mark Devine has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Moose McCarthy has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Tom Hensel has signed a contract extension for $30,000 over 5 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Steve Johnson has retired. |
| Offseason 1953: Robert Boykin has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Rodney Quinn has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Lou Connelly has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Jim Lyster has signed a contract extension for $40,000 over 3 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Joel Vincent has signed a contract extension for $40,000 over 7 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Barry Dow has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Erich Dittmer has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Alva Maddox has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: James Dawkins has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Thomas White has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: John Walker has signed a contract extension for $20,000 over 3 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Thomas White has retired. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: George Meyer has retired. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Gary Hull has retired. |
| Offseason 1953: Rick Daniele has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Dan Andrews has signed a contract extension for $8,500 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Carl Panas has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Jerry Loewen has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Elijah Liles has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Moises Glover has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Joe Nagle has signed a contract extension for $8,500 over 7 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Burt Connor has signed a contract extension for $25,500 over 3 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Elijah Liles has retired. |
| Offseason 1953: Bill Tammaro has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 2 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Leon Anderson has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Pat Hill has signed a contract extension for $34,000 over 3 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Gerry Powell has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Ted Wills has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Brian Dempsey has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Jonathan Chan has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Dexter Livingston has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: John Brock has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 5 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Jerry Tucker has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Joe Pearce has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Steve Robinson has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Allen Stocker has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Larry Wills has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Joseph Howell has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Charles Joiner has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Milo Thrash has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Ray Moss has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Arnold LaVoie has signed a contract extension for $17,000 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Shawn Hornsby has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Rob Krull has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 7 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Joseph Howell has retired. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Stu Hubbard has retired. |
| Offseason 1953: Charles Meehan has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: John Gravelle has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Dante Hardee has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Don Davis has signed a contract extension for $8,500 over 5 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Vince Gallegos has signed a contract extension for $8,500 over 4 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Charles Britt has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Daniel Stokes has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Paul Beck has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 1 years. |
| Offseason 1953: Fred Rigby has signed a contract extension for $10,000 over 6 years. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: Rich Garner has retired. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 1) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Bob Muth - CB (93 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $90,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Mike Peel - RB (99 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Tommy McClean - FB (98 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $60,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Jim Schuster - T (98 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Washington Wasps have signed Bill Sheffer - FB (97 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Rob Warriner - SS (97 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Dean Turgeon - RB (96 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $60,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The New York Stars have signed Bill Matzke - C (96 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Lee Billington - T (96 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Scott Belt - RB (95 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Bobby Vos - FS (95 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Doug Noto - G (95 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Johnny Krug - T (95 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $60,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Rick Allman - T (95 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $60,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Sam Reiter - RB (94 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Howie Roberts - FB (94 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Stan Risher - C (94 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Cleveland Finches have signed Curt Oberg - C (94 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Boston Americans have signed Byron McDonagh - FB (93 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Matt Lasko - C (93 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The New York Stars have signed Ed Koester - G (93 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Ron Schloss - SS (93 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Nate Mays - SS (93 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Cleveland Finches have signed Willie Schumaker - C (92 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Cleveland Finches have signed Dave Turco - FS (92 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Ken McFarlin - FS (92 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Ed DeLucia - G (92 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Jim Mapes - G (92 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed John Rogers - SS (92 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Mickey Messersmith - SS (92 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Paul Chestnut - K (91 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Harlan Lammers - P (91 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Mike Osterhout - P (91 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Bill Britton - LB (90 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Boston Americans have signed Junior Erikson - CB (89 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Boston Americans have signed Curt LaBarre - DE (89 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Cleveland Finches have signed Joel Millar - FS (88 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Earl Neese - K (88 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The New York Stars have signed Tom Keeney - LB (88 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Luke Bath - FB (87 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Larry Weir - DE (87 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Doug Geis - LB (87 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Del Oman - LB (87 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Washington Wasps have signed Chris Criswell - LB (87 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed John Sommerfeld - P (87 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Tony Core - FB (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Ray Kopf - DE (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Tommy Hodges - FS (86 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Boston Americans have signed Charlie Brittingham - FS (86 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Jack Hausmann - K (86 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Gene Judson - LB (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The New York Stars have signed Jerry Grover - LB (86 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The San Francisco Wings have signed Doc Reddick - P (86 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Atlee Still - P (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Detroit Maroons have signed John Halford - DT (85 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The New York Stars have signed Billy Board - LB (85 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The New York Stars have signed Elvin Rhodes - CB (83 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Bill Casteel - WR (82 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Buck Stephan - WR (82 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed George Kinne - CB (82 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Detroit Maroons have signed Ben Heid - WR (81 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Jerry Bryant - DT (81 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Wally Pare - CB (80 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The New York Stars have signed Benny Molitor - K (80 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Jack Amodeo - WR (78 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Denny Haywood - WR (76 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Detroit Maroons have signed Gene McNeese - TE (75 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 6) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Ken Stribling - TE (74 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Paul DeSantis - T (97 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Chicago Wildcats have signed George Hornback - RB (96 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Fred Gunther - RB (96 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Dixie Mask - RB (96 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Bill Comeau - RB (95 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $60,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Detroit Maroons have signed Art Heal - RB (95 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $60,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Gary Liguori - CB (95 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Dan Verdi - G (95 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The San Francisco Wings have signed Sam Storm - SS (95 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Milo Sherrill - SS (95 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $60,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The San Francisco Wings have signed Al Hamilton - T (95 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $60,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Luther Millet - C (94 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Boston Americans have signed Ron Appel - C (94 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Washington Wasps have signed Butch Farmer - G (94 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Detroit Maroons have signed Rich Jewett - K (94 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed George Creager - SS (94 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Johnny Cornett - FB (93 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The San Francisco Wings have signed Jim Young - G (93 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Jerry Gargiulo - T (93 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Joe Brotherton - RB (92 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Calvin Mitchel - FB (92 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The San Francisco Wings have signed Denver Burnham - C (92 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Harley Meier - FS (92 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Detroit Maroons have signed Mike Adamczyk - G (92 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Washington Wasps have signed Steve Suttles - SS (92 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Mark Skoglund - CB (91 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Washington Wasps have signed Charlie Cooney - K (91 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The New York Stars have signed Kim Mixon - SS (91 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Jim Foraker - C (90 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Washington Wasps have signed Rick Foltz - CB (90 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The San Francisco Wings have signed Bill Lineberger - CB (90 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Boston Americans have signed Dana Lawson - K (90 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The San Francisco Wings have signed Bo Spohn - T (90 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The New York Stars have signed Roy Schaible - FB (89 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The New York Stars have signed Kevin Van Hook - FB (89 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Ed Karsten - CB (89 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The New York Stars have signed Vic Morrell - FS (89 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Bobby Gowan - K (89 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Rob Schwandt - K (88 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Mike Rish - FS (87 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Detroit Maroons have signed Joe Ostrowski - FS (87 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Mike Chilson - LB (87 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Washington Wasps have signed Rick Roney - P (87 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Detroit Maroons have signed Bob Badgett - CB (86 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Boston Americans have signed Kim Ashe - LB (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Dave Rockwell - LB (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The New York Stars have signed Paul Cory - DT (85 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Pat Sandor - P (85 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Mark Ginter - DE (83 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Mark Francis - WR (82 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Joe Bidwell - DE (82 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Jeff Spicer - DT (82 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The New York Stars have signed Conrad Macon - WR (81 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Matt Iorio - WR (79 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Larry Short - K (78 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Boston Americans have signed Craig Wootton - P (78 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Washington Wasps have signed Dave Schipper - TE (76 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Kansas City Cowboys have signed Bill Gehman - WR (76 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Frank Longacre - TE (75 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 7) The Cleveland Finches have signed Dave Jewell - TE (71 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Detroit Maroons have signed Barry Bradt - C (97 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Detroit Maroons have signed Monty Kubiak - G (97 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Cleveland Finches have signed Gene Bowlby - FB (96 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Wade Weiler - T (96 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Jamie Lindeman - C (95 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Wash Mock - FS (95 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Barry Stromberg - SS (95 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Detroit Maroons have signed Ike Fruge - T (95 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The New York Stars have signed Bryan Mire - RB (94 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Jimmy Bratton - G (94 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Washington Wasps have signed Rick Norwood - T (94 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Eddie Stromberg - C (93 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Don Peltz - T (93 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Dick Drum - RB (92 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Ralph Griswold - FB (92 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Washington Wasps have signed Bob Rabon - FS (92 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Gene Leggett - G (92 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The New York Stars have signed Rich Hewlett - SS (92 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Rod Dixson - FB (91 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Rick Chamberlin - SS (91 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Kevin Sova - RB (90 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The New York Stars have signed Sam Hern - G (90 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Detroit Maroons have signed Rick Sartin - SS (90 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Bob Callender - RB (89 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Larry LaBella - C (89 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Pittsburgh Paladins have signed Bob Babich - CB (89 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Ollie Strauch - DE (89 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Joel Mabe - DT (89 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Ken Fryar - K (89 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Cleveland Finches have signed Vern Grass - P (89 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Sam Crandell - RB (88 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Cleveland Finches have signed Dan Boston - CB (88 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Dick Breland - DT (88 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed Keith Rasch - SS (88 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed John Starkweather - C (87 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Ed Hershey - FS (87 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Bob Thoman - G (87 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Bill Beaver - K (87 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Detroit Maroons have signed Mike Brindle - LB (87 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Cleveland Finches have signed Gordon Riess - LB (87 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Jimmy Castille - FB (86 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Washington Wasps have signed Wilbur Seidman - CB (86 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Boston Americans have signed John Winger - FS (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Detroit Maroons have signed Dennis Kamp - WR (85 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Ben Kromer - CB (85 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Cleveland Finches have signed Hank Hulse - WR (84 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Washington Wasps have signed Charlie Crenshaw - DT (84 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Detroit Maroons have signed Mike Slay - FB (83 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Detroit Maroons have signed Dave Greaves - CB (82 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Washington Wasps have signed Jim O'Hearn - WR (80 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The New York Stars have signed Bucky Wenzel - K (79 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 8) The Los Angeles Tigers have signed Rich Koren - P (76 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Red Ryals - C (97 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Detroit Maroons have signed Jeff Gebhardt - C (97 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Dennis Tinsley - RB (96 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Jim Biel - RB (96 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Washington Wasps have signed Jerry Walsh - RB (95 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Detroit Maroons have signed Dave Santora - FS (93 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Washington Wasps have signed Ivan Jowers - SS (93 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Detroit Maroons have signed Huck Vineyard - FB (92 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Bill Hughes - CB (92 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Joe Massaro - FS (92 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Brad McGuffin - SS (92 ovr) for 7 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Washington Wasps have signed Don Behrendt - FS (92 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Larry Canavan - T (91 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $50,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Kris Doody - T (90 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Boston Americans have signed Charlie Picone - G (89 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Rick Bolton - CB (88 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed John Himes - LB (88 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Boston Americans have signed Kevin Rosinski - LB (88 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Scot Gladden - FB (86 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Rex Pastore - DT (86 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Washington Wasps have signed Gary Richins - P (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Jackie Eaves - P (86 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Washington Wasps have signed Bobby Welton - DT (85 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $20,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Detroit Maroons have signed Fran Mullenix - P (85 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Jerry Petersen - K (83 ovr) for 3 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The St. Louis Ramblers have signed Dexter Hodges - CB (82 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 9) The New York Stars have signed Mike Eickhoff - WR (79 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 10) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Doug Lucy - RB (94 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 10) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Dave Prather - FB (94 ovr) for 6 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 10) The Chicago Wildcats have signed Jerry Feller - FS (90 ovr) for 4 year(s) at $30,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 10) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed Mickey Schechter - T (94 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $40,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 10) The Cleveland Finches have signed Greg Deen - FB (80 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Free Agency 1953: (Rd 10) The Philadelphia Frigates have signed John Sides - FB (80 ovr) for 5 year(s) at $10,000. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have signed Randy O'Hearn - QB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Frigates trade John Paugh - DT to the Cowboys for Leon Anderson - DT. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Frigates trade John Paugh - DT to the Cowboys for Leon Anderson - DT. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Don Gilbertson - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Bob Brosius - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Billy Kirkwood - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Victor Merritt - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Jonathan Norman - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Mark Hedge - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Rod Sutherland - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Bob Holt - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Denny McDunn - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Art Ericksen - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Bob Morgenroth - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released John Sides - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Pittsburgh Paladins have released Moose McCarthy - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Fred Akins - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Greg Deen - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Mike Slay - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Frank Hetzel - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Dave Martin - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Pittsburgh Paladins have released Tony Keating - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Tom Swaner - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Steve C Johnson - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Pittsburgh Paladins have released Chris Marzella - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Tom Nolte - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Clark Williams - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Alfredo Gaffney - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Cory Meins - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Jack Richardson - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Bobby Robb - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Jamie Cleaves - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Augie McSween - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Jim Horvath - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Donnie Ashby - K. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Justin Thomas - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Dave Smith - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Newt Emily - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Danny Quesenberry - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Burt Connor - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Rich Kelner - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Bob Stratton - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Dave Hackman - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Bennie Amstrong - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Larry Browning - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Vince Harris - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Gregory Taylor - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Jerry Smith - LB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Robin Morgan - LB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Jimmy DeCosse - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Charlie Hurt - K. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Ray Moss - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Terry Bump - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Thomas Foster - LB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Julie Johnson - LB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Frank Quillen - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Ken Shelly - K. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Gary Conti - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Gerry Courtney - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Johnny Fry - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Moises Glover - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Norm Major - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released BB Harder - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Thomas Bullock - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Paul Lyle - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Lou Connelly - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The New York Stars have released Milt Langer - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Shawn Hornsby - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Andy Hammer - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Wade Saldana - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Manny Cueto - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Lester Rivera - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Philadelphia Frigates have released Fred Martins - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Milo Thrash - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Boston Americans have released Bruce Martin - K. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Cleveland Finches have released Larry Gilliam - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Davey Wilson - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Nate Tyson - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released John Gravelle - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The St. Louis Ramblers have released Robert Smith - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Paul Mack - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Ken Gillette - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released James Pollock - K. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Joe Ostrowski - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Al Lewis - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Jim Rose - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released Jack Gallagher - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released Don Davis - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Barry Dow - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released John LaGattuta - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Marty Hunter - P. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released Joe Landon - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released James Wise - K. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Rodney Quinn - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Terry Palmer - FB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released John Walker - RB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Detroit Maroons have released Carl Panas - LB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Barney King - LB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Joe Pearce - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Stu Coon - G. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Alva Maddox - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Brian Dempsey - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released Greg Kaiser - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Richard Florence - P. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Hank Faber - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Joe White - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Jonathan Chan - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released Daniel Stokes - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released Dante Hardee - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Stan Charon - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Bus McLean - C. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Kansas City Cowboys have released Ernie Orr - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Jerry Strohm - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The San Francisco Wings have released Charles Meehan - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Jeff Diebold - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Roy Coressel - CB. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Kansas City Cowboys have released Bill Tammaro - WR. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Los Angeles Tigers have released Dexter Livingston - P. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Ambrose Spurlock - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Andy Tarka - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Kansas City Cowboys have released Tom Rieger - T. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Robert Boykin - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Don Foresta - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Jerry Feller - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Barry Stromberg - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Kansas City Cowboys have released Jerry Zamora - SS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Christopher Faison - K. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Washington Wasps have released Bob Carpentier - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Jamie Hargrave - FS. |
| Preseason Week 1, 1953: The Chicago Wildcats have released Lee Gorski - FS. |
| Week 6, 1953: The Frigates trade Leon Anderson - DT to the Cowboys for Roscoe Bonnin - DT. |
| Week 6, 1953: The Frigates trade Leon Anderson - DT to the Cowboys for Roscoe Bonnin - DT. |