a - Y. Sakai pinch hit for A. Murakami in the 8th b - H. Araki substituted for T. Hirai in the 9th
BATTING Doubles: S. Okuda (15, 4th Inning off Y. Goto, 1 on, 2 outs) Home Runs: S. Okuda (4, 1st Inning off Y. Goto, 1 on, 1 out) , K. Nagasawa (16, 1st Inning off Y. Goto, 0 on, 1 out) Total Bases: B. Nishi , T. Hirai , S. Okuda 8 , K. Nagasawa 4 , W. Hancock , Y. Nakano , Y. Sakai 2-out RBI: T. Hirai Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs: T. Hirai , S. Okuda , K. Nagasawa , W. Hancock , I. Fujimori GIDP: K. Nagasawa , I. Fujimori Sac Bunt: A. Murakami Team LOB: 11
FIELDING Errors: S. Yamashita (7) | | | a - Y. Ishikawa pinch hit for A. Kaneshiro in the 8th b - M. Hino pinch hit for G. Smith in the 8th c - I. Kaneda pinch hit for S. Hino in the 8th d - F. Anderson substituted for Y. Ishikawa in the 9th e - W. Okazaki substituted for I. Kaneda in the 9th f - T. Shibuya pinch hit for C. Teramoto in the 9th
BATTING Doubles: K. Shirai (18, 3rd Inning off A. Murakami, 1 on, 1 out) , T. Ishii (5, 5th Inning off A. Murakami, 0 on, 0 outs) , F. Nakasone (8, 8th Inning off K. Okazaki, 0 on, 0 outs) Total Bases: T. Ishii 2 , B. Matsumura 2 , K. Shirai 3 , F. Nakasone 2 , G. Smith , Z. Miyamoto 2 Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs: , A. Kaneshiro 2 , Y. Goto 2 Sac Bunt: S. Hino Sac Fly: K. Shirai Team LOB: 6
FIELDING Errors: F. Nakasone 2 (13) Double Plays: 2 (Matsumura-Nakasone-Shirai, Shirai-Miyamoto-Shirai) | |