RF Dick Earl #21
Age: 49 | Bats: R | Throws: L | Morale: Very Good
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 0 0.0
Overall Overall Vs Left Vs Right  
Contact 2 2 2
Gap 4 5 4
Power 3 4 3
Eye 3 4 3
Avoid K's 3 3 3
Catcher Infield Outfield
Range: - 1 2
Errors: - 1 5
Arm: 1 3 5
Turn DP: - 1 -
Framing: 1 - -
Pitcher: - Shortstop: -
Catcher: - Left Field: 3
1st Base: 1 Center Field: -
2nd Base: - Right Field: 3
3rd Base: -
Running Speed: 2
Stealing Aggressiveness: 1
Stealing Ability: 3
Baserunning Inst.: 3
Sacrifice Bunt: 2
Bunt for Hit: 1
Date Vs. Result AB R H BI HR BB K SB
Born in:Holly Springs, NC
Height:5' 11"
Weight:200 lbs
Local Popularity:Unknown
National Pop.:Unknown
Signed Through:-
Major Service:
Service This Yr:
40-Man Service:
Pro Service:
Arbitration Eligibility:
Option Years:
Contract Extension:
Drafted:1932, 15th Pick in Round 17
1940 Chicago - FABL 26 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .333 .000 .333 1 47 -0.0
Total FABL 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .333 .000 .333 1 47 -0.0
1930 Meridian HS - HS 16 38 138 37 13 1 3 27 27 23 4 2 16 1 0 .268 .383 .442 .825 135 135 1.1
1931 Meridian HS - HS 17 15 59 17 3 0 2 7 12 6 1 0 9 1 0 .288 .364 .441 .804 138 136 0.6
1932 Meridian HS - HS 18 33 122 53 13 0 10 37 44 25 7 3 26 1 1 .434 .541 .787 1.328 245 227 3.0
1933 La Crosse - C 19 12 23 6 2 1 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 .261 .320 .435 .755 108 109 0.1
1933 San Jose - B 19 6 23 6 1 0 1 2 3 1 0 0 4 0 0 .261 .292 .435 .726 89 88 0.1
1934 La Crosse - C 20 38 141 42 10 1 4 18 24 16 4 1 28 0 0 .298 .383 .468 .851 115 119 0.6
1934 San Jose - B 20 48 189 52 24 0 1 34 19 9 0 1 17 0 0 .275 .307 .418 .725 83 80 -0.3
1935 La Crosse - C 21 67 290 122 26 5 22 104 90 34 7 7 22 2 2 .421 .482 .772 1.255 208 198 5.0
1935 San Jose - B 21 51 185 51 17 2 1 33 28 18 11 0 21 0 0 .276 .374 .405 .779 109 115 0.8
1936 Salem - B 22 59 177 65 11 2 8 47 36 23 2 5 8 1 0 .367 .435 .588 1.022 156 150 1.7
1936 Scranton - A 22 37 92 28 14 1 0 15 15 5 4 0 8 0 0 .304 .366 .478 .845 142 140 0.7
1937 Scranton - A 23 70 178 55 15 1 16 43 36 23 6 1 8 0 2 .309 .404 .674 1.078 184 178 2.0
1937 Harrisburg - AA 23 38 108 42 13 0 12 29 26 15 6 0 4 1 0 .389 .488 .843 1.331 235 226 2.2
1938 Harrisburg - AA 24 112 405 113 21 2 9 62 62 49 2 3 27 0 0 .279 .357 .407 .765 118 121 0.5
1938 Los Angeles - AAA 24 21 79 23 6 0 4 12 12 5 0 1 5 0 0 .291 .329 .519 .848 129 125 0.2
1939 Harrisburg - AA 25 125 455 147 37 2 19 84 80 51 6 4 37 2 0 .323 .395 .538 .934 147 144 3.5
1940 Harrisburg - AA 26 30 100 33 6 1 1 15 21 21 1 1 8 0 0 .330 .447 .440 .887 163 169 0.7
1940 Los Angeles - AAA 26 56 199 49 12 2 3 25 24 18 2 4 29 0 1 .246 .309 .372 .681 99 99 0.5
1940 Milwaukee - AAA 26 18 74 14 9 1 0 5 12 7 1 0 10 0 0 .189 .268 .338 .606 66 66 -0.4
1940 Total - AAA 26 74 273 63 21 3 3 30 36 25 3 4 39 0 1 .231 .298 .363 .661 90 90 0.1
1941 Akron - AA 27 18 54 11 4 0 3 11 6 9 1 1 10 0 0 .204 .323 .444 .768 119 110 0.2
1941 Newark - AAA 27 53 86 28 6 0 3 20 10 11 0 1 11 0 0 .326 .398 .500 .898 162 163 0.9
1942 Terre Haute - A 28 76 277 83 25 3 10 46 48 43 2 0 31 1 1 .300 .398 .520 .917 156 157 1.9
1942 Akron - AA 28 44 157 47 11 0 2 20 15 17 1 1 10 0 1 .299 .369 .408 .777 130 134 0.6
1942 Newark - AAA 28 11 29 7 2 0 2 5 7 6 0 0 5 0 0 .241 .371 .517 .889 164 164 0.4
1943 Akron - AA 29 130 487 141 34 5 4 67 72 49 4 11 61 0 0 .290 .352 .405 .757 135 132 3.3
1943 Newark - AAA 29 4 14 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 .143 .200 .143 .343 0 2 -0.2
1944 Terre Haute - A 30 7 21 5 2 0 2 5 7 5 0 0 1 0 0 .238 .385 .619 1.004 159 138 0.2
1944 Akron - AA 30 95 287 62 17 1 3 31 36 63 4 6 27 0 0 .216 .358 .314 .672 92 93 0.1
1944 Newark - AAA 30 11 23 5 4 0 1 4 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 .217 .280 .522 .802 114 104 0.2
1945 Akron - AA 31 45 169 37 10 1 1 13 17 27 2 1 23 0 1 .219 .332 .308 .639 97 102 0.0
1945 Mobile - AA 31 7 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 .143 .250 .143 .393 9 15 0.0
1945 Total - AA 31 52 176 38 10 1 1 13 18 28 2 1 24 0 1 .216 .329 .301 .630 94 99 0.0
1945 Milwaukee - AAA 31 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 -100 -120 -0.1
Total DIX 7 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 .143 .250 .143 .393 9 15
Total CL 23 79 14 9 1 0 5 12 7 1 0 11 0 0 .177 .253 .316 .569 56 55
Total EA 637 2222 633 153 12 54 332 335 301 27 28 207 3 2 .285 .373 .437 .810 131 131
Total GWL 77 278 72 18 2 7 37 36 23 2 5 34 0 1 .259 .315 .414 .729 107 106
Total HL 83 298 88 27 3 12 51 55 48 2 0 32 1 1 .295 .397 .527 .923 156 155
Total UL 79 152 42 12 0 6 29 19 20 0 1 22 0 0 .276 .358 .474 .832 142 141
Total MAL 107 270 83 29 2 16 58 51 28 10 1 16 0 2 .307 .392 .607 .999 170 165
Total HS 86 319 107 29 1 15 71 83 54 12 5 51 3 1 .335 .444 .574 1.017 180 172
Total COW 164 574 174 53 4 11 116 86 51 13 6 50 1 0 .303 .370 .467 .836 115 114
Total UMVA 117 454 170 38 7 26 124 116 52 11 8 52 2 2 .374 .444 .661 1.105 175 169
1930 Meridian HS - HS RF 38 38 69 4 0 74 1 .986 328.1 2.00 -0.8 1.003
1931 Meridian HS - HS RF 14 14 20 0 0 20 0 1.000 127.2 1.41 +0.8 1.059
1932 Meridian HS - HS RF 33 33 56 8 1 65 1 .985 287.1 2.00 +1.4 1.022
1933 San Jose - B RF 6 6 14 1 0 15 0 1.000 49.1 2.74 +0.4 1.032
1933 La Crosse - C RF 7 5 17 1 0 19 1 .947 46.1 3.50 -0.6 .982
1934 San Jose - B LF 8 8 10 0 0 12 2 .833 70.0 1.29 -1.2 .928
1934 San Jose - B RF 39 39 77 1 0 79 1 .987 344.0 2.04 -2.4 .955
1934 La Crosse - C RF 38 38 85 4 0 91 2 .978 306.0 2.62 -0.6 .991
1935 San Jose - B RF 50 50 112 5 1 118 1 .992 431.2 2.44 +0.1 1.013
1935 La Crosse - C RF 67 67 178 14 2 194 2 .990 584.2 2.96 +2.1 1.018
1936 Scranton - A LF 8 6 8 2 1 11 1 .909 59.0 1.53 -2.0 .726
1936 Salem - B LF 3 3 8 1 0 9 0 1.000 28.0 2.89 -0.6 .810
1936 Scranton - A RF 13 12 27 3 0 31 1 .968 108.1 2.49 +0.0 1.021
1936 Salem - B RF 40 35 85 4 0 91 2 .978 331.1 2.42 -0.4 1.008
1937 Harrisburg - AA 1B 6 5 54 4 0 59 1 .983 45.0 11.60 -0.1 .949
1937 Harrisburg - AA LF 12 10 12 1 0 14 1 .929 87.1 1.34 -1.9 .803
1937 Scranton - A LF 21 20 41 3 1 45 1 .978 181.0 2.19 -2.3 .924
1937 Harrisburg - AA RF 14 12 27 0 0 28 1 .964 102.2 2.37 +0.1 .959
1937 Scranton - A RF 20 19 32 3 0 35 0 1.000 174.1 1.81 -0.8 .984
1938 Los Angeles - AAA 1B 21 21 186 11 17 201 4 .980 175.0 10.13 -2.3 .915
1938 Harrisburg - AA LF 89 89 181 10 2 198 7 .965 778.1 2.21 -12.2 .923
1938 Los Angeles - AAA RF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 -0.4 .000
1938 Harrisburg - AA RF 12 8 17 1 0 19 1 .947 81.2 1.98 -2.9 .876
1939 Harrisburg - AA 1B 22 20 157 11 15 168 0 1.000 167.2 9.02 -0.5 .974
1939 Harrisburg - AA LF 7 6 7 1 1 9 1 .889 50.0 1.44 +0.4 1.024
1939 Harrisburg - AA RF 98 93 156 6 0 165 3 .982 794.1 1.84 -6.9 .941
1940 Milwaukee - AAA LF 18 18 39 0 0 39 0 1.000 152.0 2.31 -2.6 .928
1940 Los Angeles - AAA LF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.2 0.00 0.0 .000
1940 Milwaukee - AAA RF 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1.000 2.0 4.50 +0.0 1.027
1940 Los Angeles - AAA RF 55 54 124 4 0 129 1 .992 463.0 2.49 +1.6 .990
1940 Harrisburg - AA RF 29 28 67 3 0 70 0 1.000 242.0 2.60 -5.4 .940
1941 Newark - AAA 1B 5 0 12 2 1 14 0 1.000 13.1 9.45 +0.1 1.022
1941 Newark - AAA LF 9 7 22 1 0 23 0 1.000 58.1 3.55 +0.4 1.007
1941 Akron - AA LF 13 13 32 0 0 32 0 1.000 116.0 2.48 -0.4 .945
1941 Newark - AAA RF 14 8 11 1 1 12 0 1.000 74.0 1.46 -1.6 .858
1941 Akron - AA RF 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1942 Terre Haute - A 1B 4 3 22 0 3 22 0 1.000 25.0 7.92 +0.2 1.047
1942 Newark - AAA LF 6 6 13 0 0 13 0 1.000 50.2 2.31 -0.2 .997
1942 Akron - AA LF 35 35 78 1 1 80 1 .988 290.2 2.45 -3.7 .985
1942 Terre Haute - A LF 71 71 137 3 2 142 2 .986 550.1 2.29 -8.7 .943
1942 Newark - AAA RF 2 2 6 0 0 6 0 1.000 16.0 3.38 +0.2 1.011
1942 Akron - AA RF 9 5 13 0 0 13 0 1.000 59.0 1.98 -1.4 .882
1942 Terre Haute - A RF 22 0 11 0 0 11 0 1.000 53.2 1.84 -1.4 .881
1943 Akron - AA 1B 8 8 81 9 6 91 1 .989 72.0 11.25 +0.5 1.023
1943 Newark - AAA LF 4 4 7 1 0 8 0 1.000 32.0 2.25 -0.7 .995
1943 Akron - AA LF 107 107 233 16 3 251 2 .992 914.1 2.45 -11.3 .977
1943 Akron - AA RF 12 10 30 2 1 32 0 1.000 91.0 3.16 +0.2 1.013
1944 Akron - AA 1B 12 12 107 8 10 117 2 .983 102.2 10.08 -0.9 .964
1944 Terre Haute - A 1B 2 1 6 1 0 7 0 1.000 9.2 6.52 +0.0 1.049
1944 Akron - AA 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1944 Akron - AA SS 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 .000 1.0 0.00 -0.5 .000
1944 Newark - AAA LF 6 4 18 0 0 18 0 1.000 41.0 3.95 +0.7 1.050
1944 Akron - AA LF 49 46 101 3 0 104 0 1.000 400.1 2.34 -2.9 .970
1944 Terre Haute - A LF 4 4 8 0 0 8 0 1.000 36.0 2.00 -0.2 1.003
1944 Newark - AAA RF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1944 Akron - AA RF 24 19 41 0 0 41 0 1.000 177.0 2.08 -0.5 1.030
1945 Milwaukee - AAA LF 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 1.000 2.0 9.00 -0.3 1.020
1945 Mobile - AA RF 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2.0 0.00 0.0 .000
1945 Akron - AA RF 45 44 98 7 0 108 3 .972 393.2 2.40 -6.1 .947
TOTAL 1B 80 70 625 46 52 679 8 .988 610.1 9.89 -3.0 .968
TOTAL SS 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 .000 1.0 0.00 -0.5 .000
TOTAL LF 472 457 957 43 11 1018 18 .982 3900.0 2.31 -49.9 .951
TOTAL RF 706 639 1374 72 6 1467 21 .986 5675.1 2.29 -25.1 .983
12/05/1929 Joined the Meridian HS Rebels.
01/01/1930 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
04/07/1930 Injured (Wrist soreness), day-to-day for 3 days.
05/09/1930 Injured (Strained back), day-to-day for 3 days.
01/01/1931 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
04/16/1931 Injured (Fractured finger), out for 4 weeks.
01/01/1932 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
04/05/1932 Injured (Strained back), day-to-day for 5 days.
05/08/1932 Injured (Strained back), out for 4 weeks.
12/05/1932 Drafted in the 1932 first-year player draft by the Chicago Cougars (Round 17, Pick 15, 271st overall pick).
12/17/1932 Released by the Meridian HS Rebels.
12/17/1932 Signed a minor league contract with the Chicago Cougars organization with a signing bonus of $850.
01/01/1933 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
01/01/1934 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
05/05/1934 Injured (Knee contusion), day-to-day for one week.
05/14/1934 Injured (Fractured thumb), out for 5 weeks.
06/09/1934 Suffered setback in recovery from injury, requires surgery and will miss another 8 weeks.
01/01/1935 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
05/12/1935 Goes 0-3 against the Marshalltown Maples, ending his hitting streak at 21 games.
05/20/1935 Wins the UMVA UMVA Player of the Week Award.
05/25/1935 Injured (Strained back), out for 3-4 weeks.
06/01/1935 Wins the UMVA UMVA Batter of the Month Award.
07/01/1935 Wins the UMVA UMVA Player of the Week Award.
08/08/1935 Injured (Bruised forearm), day-to-day for 3 days.
08/14/1935 Injured (Hamstring tightness), day-to-day for 1 day.
09/20/1935 Injured (Strained back), day-to-day for one week.
01/01/1936 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
03/17/1936 Was traded by the Chicago Cougars to the New York Stars, along with CF Chink Stickels, SP Frank Gordon, SP George K Brooks, in exchange for 3B John Lawson.
07/20/1936 Wins the COW COW Player of the Week Award.
01/01/1937 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
04/28/1937 Injured (bruised knee),day-to-day for 2 days.
08/08/1937 Injured (bruised finger),day-to-day for 5 days.
01/01/1938 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
01/01/1939 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
06/04/1939 Injured (knee tendinitis),day-to-day for 3 days.
06/26/1939 Wins the EA Player of the Week Award.
01/01/1940 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
07/31/1940 Was traded by the New York Stars to the Chicago Cougars in exchange for LF Izzy Sevilla and $5,000.
01/01/1941 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
04/26/1941 Was claimed off waivers by Detroit while with Chicago.
09/15/1941 Wins the 1941 Championship with the Newark Aces!
01/01/1942 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
05/21/1942 Injured (sore ankle),day-to-day for 2 days.
01/01/1943 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
07/01/1943 Wins the EA Batter of the Month Award.
07/21/1943 Injured (oblique strain),out for 5 days.
01/01/1944 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
07/12/1944 Injured (strained back),day-to-day for one week.
10/16/1944 Released by the Detroit organization.
11/23/1944 Signed a minor league contract with the Detroit Dynamos organization.
01/01/1945 OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Contact: - (-); Power: - (-); Eye: - (-).
05/12/1945 Injured (sore thumb),day-to-day for 1 day.
06/15/1945 Injured (strained shoulder),out for 5 weeks.
07/23/1945 Released by the Detroit organization.
08/29/1945 Signed a minor league contract with the Chicago Cougars organization.
10/11/1945 Released by the Chicago organization.
10/12/1945 Retired from professional baseball.
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