League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
FA | CA : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
John Barker 1921-1921 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
Harry Bartlett 1921-1925 458 1471 172 414 76 10 19 193 1 2 144 69 .281 .342 .385 .728
Johnny Bastian 1921-1927 312 834 117 261 52 15 10 127 17 38 71 32 .313 .369 .447 .816
Aaron Bigelow 1921-1923 108 245 29 74 13 1 6 42 0 0 19 11 .302 .346 .437 .782
Dan Brady 1921-1930 841 2617 368 829 118 17 40 342 1 4 209 91 .317 .366 .421 .787
Herb Bright 1921-1930 355 1176 136 332 46 8 10 150 9 7 83 58 .282 .334 .361 .694
Phil Brothers 1921-1923 169 630 59 157 25 10 3 64 23 18 36 76 .249 .295 .335 .630
Charlie Carr 1921-1930 621 2312 329 716 105 36 31 307 26 49 158 103 .310 .352 .426 .779
Slim Chapman 1921-1922 42 42 5 15 2 3 0 8 1 0 3 1 .357 .417 .548 .964
Harvey Cone 1921-1926 510 1547 305 425 93 62 25 263 33 52 308 92 .275 .396 .463 .860
Bob Cox 1921-1926 33 73 8 23 5 0 0 11 0 1 8 1 .315 .378 .384 .762
Lou Cox 1921-1928 899 3622 652 1164 216 98 20 388 234 170 325 118 .321 .380 .452 .832
Frank Dempsey 1921-1926 634 2293 323 683 109 21 16 267 24 17 153 82 .298 .351 .385 .736
Gale Derr 1921-1929 164 255 36 86 12 2 6 43 0 0 23 10 .337 .392 .471 .863
John Diggs 1921-1923 17 78 16 27 6 1 0 10 2 0 5 4 .346 .386 .449 .834
Marc Duncan 1921-1921 45 121 18 41 3 4 0 11 0 1 12 5 .339 .398 .430 .828
Ed Elwin 1921-1921 21 30 2 10 2 0 1 7 0 0 1 1 .333 .355 .500 .855
Dode Espen 1921-1923 94 293 36 84 11 3 0 30 17 7 16 8 .287 .322 .345 .666
Bill Graham 1921-1923 55 90 10 27 1 0 1 12 0 0 7 2 .300 .354 .344 .698
Chuck Harris 1921-1921 49 171 20 51 13 1 0 15 0 0 16 9 .298 .359 .386 .745
Hal Haynes 1921-1921 41 166 26 39 7 1 3 26 5 8 18 16 .235 .324 .343 .668
Phil Healey 1921-1925 240 767 84 225 38 2 2 69 0 0 61 47 .293 .346 .356 .702
Eddie Hogan 1921-1929 714 2452 381 826 96 44 25 342 2 2 201 111 .337 .387 .442 .830
Otis Howard 1921-1927 495 1739 269 494 85 24 12 212 41 32 192 79 .284 .358 .381 .739
George Hughes 1921-1928 242 500 85 148 35 12 2 57 3 4 39 27 .296 .347 .426 .773
Fred Johnson 1921-1927 674 2494 319 742 123 13 24 370 8 7 289 192 .298 .369 .386 .755
Sandy Lovelle 1921-1930 1036 3573 626 1119 187 128 43 492 103 81 450 154 .313 .395 .473 .868
Win Marshall 1921-1921 8 29 1 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 2 .172 .250 .172 .422
Jerry Mathews 1921-1924 235 741 96 204 29 16 2 78 29 22 52 33 .275 .322 .366 .687
Ralph McCullen 1921-1922 46 85 11 10 2 1 1 7 3 1 3 4 .118 .156 .200 .356
Mickey Mikulich 1921-1926 267 750 98 243 29 30 2 116 0 3 44 20 .324 .365 .451 .816
Pat Moynihan 1921-1926 493 1612 218 489 56 9 7 153 43 45 140 80 .303 .358 .362 .721
Doc Page 1921-1926 154 180 27 53 7 2 1 22 0 0 16 11 .294 .347 .372 .719
Dave Pearcey 1921-1926 149 418 49 113 19 1 4 51 0 0 37 25 .270 .332 .349 .681
Mose Peters 1921-1925 123 298 37 77 9 7 0 23 2 5 23 17 .258 .316 .336 .651
Ray Peterson 1921-1921 8 9 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 .111 .100 .111 .211
Orlando Reagor 1921-1928 528 1628 209 479 83 11 17 194 0 1 181 63 .294 .364 .390 .754
Bill Richardson 1921-1926 545 2001 186 612 94 11 10 229 0 2 98 86 .306 .337 .379 .715
Rick Richins 1921-1921 20 19 4 5 2 0 1 5 0 1 2 0 .263 .333 .526 .860
Ed Riddle 1921-1926 355 1224 146 357 74 9 8 174 1 1 117 46 .292 .353 .386 .740
Rick Riddle 1921-1923 155 479 39 124 32 5 3 54 0 1 54 80 .259 .336 .365 .702
Victor Rodding 1921-1927 747 2807 409 878 171 53 30 362 51 85 219 121 .313 .363 .444 .807
Jack Roman 1921-1927 440 1473 187 413 77 5 11 203 0 0 172 63 .280 .357 .362 .719
Alex Sattler 1921-1926 393 1247 169 372 50 20 16 180 7 17 109 59 .298 .357 .409 .766
Jim Savage 1921-1923 151 495 72 130 28 11 5 51 12 18 29 20 .263 .302 .394 .696
Bob Scholer 1921-1930 1272 4628 676 1350 289 24 78 677 1 5 539 247 .292 .367 .415 .782
Red Sears 1921-1922 61 180 21 55 10 1 3 29 0 0 20 8 .306 .378 .422 .800
Oscar Sosa 1921-1922 6 16 2 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 .250 .250 .312 .562
Charlie Stephens 1921-1928 857 2929 407 900 179 13 40 428 0 1 359 132 .307 .385 .418 .803
Johnny Stevens 1921-1927 745 3059 519 959 144 100 24 345 118 119 267 87 .314 .371 .449 .821
Bobby Sustaita 1921-1924 146 193 25 61 5 1 5 25 0 0 24 10 .316 .398 .430 .828
Foster Whipple 1921-1930 260 754 88 226 48 7 3 100 1 0 70 39 .300 .358 .394 .752
Ferdie Wood 1921-1921 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 .500 .667 .500 1.167
Norm Austin 1921-1932 117 98 .544 4.57 275 258 105 12 1 2015.0 2288 1024 113 684 597
John Booker 1921-1934 22 24 .478 4.38 212 0 0 0 40 339.0 348 165 18 145 179
Charlie Bradley 1921-1924 16 14 .533 3.96 46 36 16 1 0 291.0 332 128 17 106 103
Ken Carpenter 1921-1936 210 182 .536 3.95 498 461 169 11 3 3592.1 3975 1576 148 1032 1282
Maurice Demby 1921-1932 23 23 .500 2.89 141 0 0 0 31 211.2 213 68 8 67 77
Lee Dixon 1921-1921 1 1 .500 3.38 12 0 0 0 1 21.1 20 8 2 9 12
Ron Dolan 1921-1922 3 4 .429 3.53 46 0 0 0 9 71.1 83 28 5 24 26
Delos Dunn 1921-1929 94 94 .500 4.24 247 208 109 7 1 1692.0 2018 798 80 488 492
Rich Fisher 1921-1935 69 60 .535 4.24 186 164 58 4 1 1281.1 1422 603 71 478 408
Ernie Henderson 1921-1931 100 135 .426 4.74 307 255 129 10 4 2061.1 2374 1085 110 858 521
Andy Holton 1921-1935 2 18 .100 6.22 30 23 6 0 0 166.1 240 115 12 76 29
Harry Horn 1921-1934 142 114 .555 4.31 367 282 150 14 7 2407.2 2780 1153 170 588 668
Wayne Robinson 1921-1936 194 172 .530 4.01 476 408 182 12 7 3293.0 3737 1467 224 779 1132
Harry Schab 1921-1929 37 50 .425 5.10 114 82 37 2 1 682.2 841 387 54 270 205
Ron Searfoss 1921-1928 5 7 .417 6.16 22 13 6 0 1 122.2 171 84 5 47 33
Bob Simmon 1921-1935 156 178 .467 4.00 575 300 138 9 52 2781.2 3053 1237 109 846 946
Mel Strom 1921-1934 189 189 .500 4.40 469 399 231 20 6 3287.1 3793 1608 148 995 1076
Max Wilder 1921-1935 157 137 .534 3.70 377 354 127 18 1 2710.1 2768 1115 160 864 1116
Cal Williams 1921-1930 83 81 .506 4.37 238 184 44 5 13 1438.0 1630 698 41 581 424
George P Williams 1921-1928 26 26 .500 4.55 98 53 19 1 3 494.0 528 250 36 199 164
73 Players
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