One of just two Peerless League clubs to gain entry into the Federally Aligned Baseball Leagues in 1892, the Detroit Dynamos found little success on the field in the 19th century, but things took a turn for the better in the 20th century when they acquired two of the era's greatest pitchers in Bill Temple and Woody Trease. Though both pitchers' careers were shortened by injuries both tragic and in Temple's case, self-inflicted, the Dynamos got some very good mileage out of them. Detroit won six pennants and four World championships over the course of twelve seasons (1908-19). This success allowed them to move into a shiny new ballpark in 1915 and though the club fell on hard times after Trease and Temple left town, owner Eddie Thompson has shown that like his father, he is willing to give his baseball men the greenlight to trade for high-salaried stars.